Gerçeklik Terörü Manifesto / Periferi kolektif
Declaration of Reality Terror / Periferi Collective
Biz sıramızı savdık :
Our turn is over:
Arazi ve toprak keneleri,
Property and dirt ticks,
Barınma hakkı gaspçıları,
Boarding right grabbers,
Konut ve morgıç spekülatörleri,
Housing and mortgage speculators,
Borsa tüccarları,
Stock traders,
havari brokırlar,
Saint brokers,
Hava tahmini uzmanları,
Weather forecast experts
Avm (= alış veriş merkezi) sosyologları,
Mall sociologists,
Banka / finans patronları,
Bank/finance patrons,
Ana akım medya tellalları,
Mainstream media tellals,
İktidar sevicileri,
Power lesbians,
Geri dönüşüm tröstleri,
Recycling trusts,
Küresel sermayedarlar,
Global capitalists,
Gıda teröristleri,
Food terrorists,
Temiz su havzası gaspçıları,
Clean water shed usurpers,
Gdo ve organik gıda sevicileri,
GMO ve organic food lesbians,
Endüstri cambazları,
Industry acrobats,
Sanayi toplumu kahyaları,
Industrial society butlers,
Ultramega patronlar,
Ultra-mega bosses,
Kentsel dönüşüm jonglörleri,
Urban transformation jugglers,
İnanç simsarları,
Belief brokers,
Köy kurnazı yok satıcılar,
Crafty redneck air sellers,
Megakapitalist tilki-tüccarlar,
Mega-capitalist, foxy vendors,
Marka doğurganlar,
Brand breeders,
Demokrasi ihracatçısı bezirganlar,
Democracy exporting merchants,
Uyuşturucu ve silah - savaş ve de militarizm kompetanları,
Drug-and-weapons-and-wars-and-militarism experts,
Sanat satıcısı küratörler,
Art selling curators,
Sansürcü galeriler,
Censoring galleries,
Müzelerde kara para aklayanlar,
Money launderers in museums,
Cahil politikacılar,
Ignorant politicians,
Sanal dünya soytarıları,
Virtual universe pranksters,
Nükleer lobi paspasları,
Nuclear lobby mats,
Hes trapezcileri,
HES aerialists,
Otomobil ve otoyol müteahhitleri,
Automobile and highway contractors,
Tüketim oryantasyonistleri,
Consumption orientationists,
Küresel organ mafyasına çanak tutan doktorlar,
Global-organ-mafia-enabler doctors,
Irkçı sağlıkçılar,
Racist healthcare people,
Prozac psikiyatristleri,
Prozac psychiatrists,
“Tam ekran” zebanileri,
“Full screen” hellhounds,
İletişim iblisleri,
Communication devils,
Reklam sektörü Marksistleri,
Advertizing Marxists,
Sosyal adalet yıkayıcıları,
Social justice washers,
Bukalemun siyasetçiler,
Chameleon politicians,
İnsan mühendisleri :
Human engineers:
İlaç için hastalık,
Disease for treatment,
Tüketim için ihtiyaç,
Necessity for consumption,
Talep için arz,
Supply for demand,
Silah için savaş,
War for weapons,
Paranoya için korku,
Fear for paranoia,
Şizofreni için sanal ağlar,
Virtual networks for schizophrenia,
Aşı için pandemi,
Pandemic for vaccination,
Neoliberal tüketim toplumu için birey,
Individual for neoliberal consumption society,
Cehalet için magazin,
Magazine for witlessness,
Yeni emperyalizm için “ devrim “
“Revolution” for new imperialism
Tasarlayanlar :
- Petrol için kan ; elmas için kan ; silah için kan ; tohum için kan: için –
Blood for oil; blood for diamonds; blood for weapons; blood for seeds: drink it -
: Biz sıramızı savdık
: Our turn is over
19 Şubat 2012 Pazar
13 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi
Gerçeklik Terörü istim üzerinde...
Periferi'nin Gerçeklik Terörü sergileri zamandaş olarak Mayıs 2012 de açılıyor. Yurtiçi ve dışından konseptle bağlantılı üretim yapan çok "sıkı" bir ekiple hazırlıklar heyacanla sürüyor. Kuşkusuz bu hareket; özgür imge, bağımsız sanat, karşıt kültür anlamında önemli bir çabadır. Sansüre, kitleleşmeye, kültür endüstrisine, sinik kolaycılığa, "miş gibi" olma hallerine karşı da bir hamledir.
Yıkım 2011'de yaratılan enerjinin daha üst boyuta taşınacağı bu kampanyanın havai fişekleri yakında belirecektir.
Yıkım 2011'de yaratılan enerjinin daha üst boyuta taşınacağı bu kampanyanın havai fişekleri yakında belirecektir.
8 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba
ANGYE GAONA’s Freedom Cannot Be Taken Away!
20th century; has been bowed out to inventory of history by leaving its dark shadow of concentration camps, atomic weapons, fascism, blood sheds, consumption sanctuaries, glittering spectacles, to new century of ours. This shadow is a cradle song of horror which is in imical to life as well as to freedom and in the different parts of the world by the waves of restraint, censor, prohibition, collective arrestment, it keeps making records into its dark crime book.
The last crime entered in to this inventory is the unjust accusation and defemation that Angye Gaona, Colombian Surrealist Poet, Artist and Activist has been subjected to. The crime that Gaona has actually committed is to produce with 150 year old ethics of the avant-garde. What does this crime refer to?
In her articles and interviews, Gaona has defended the rights of natives who has been killed by paramilitary gangs with the order of landowners, the rights of syndicators and the labor movement under the consistent pressure of industrialists supported by the government. Additionally, she named the current government of Colombia as “terrorist”.
As a result of this, she has been charged with “rebellion” by the government. The first case filed in 2011 against has been dismissed thanks to international pressure. Colombia’s “low density war” government who could not condemn Gaona as a criminal of thought, chose the way of a dirty provocation and it added “drug trafficking” accusation into the second case file in addition to “rebellion”.
With this false accusation, Colombian government not only incriminated Gaona’s reputation, but also prevented her leaving country as a political refugee. The case whose first hearing in 23 January 2012 took place in Cartagena de Indias, was with request for 20 years of imprisonment and she has been taken under home arrestment in a small “favela” with her daugther during the whole law suit process. The first result of this in practical terms was the prevention of her attendance to International Surrealist Exhibition took place in Pennsylvania in January 2012.
Now, we, the fellow poets, artists and activists from different countries, would like this false accusations against Angye Gaona to be dismissed. The government which is annoyed by the association of Gaona’s art and thoughts with the struggle for freedom of these thoughts in daily life, it presents a “reality terror” by re-creation of a lie as a “realm”, by producing/consuming/re-producing it through its attached media/public opinion.
Beyond any doubt, as intellectuals and artists of countries such ours, we have acquaintance with this sort of “fake reality” attacks created by the daily show joined with the power and the capital. In fact, this mis-en-scène taking place in Colombia right now, is not very far from the definition of “terror” recently made by Turkish government spokesman. The transformation into the offical politics of this approach which is put forward with the postulate of that the crime is committed by the painter with canvas and poet with line, with no doubt will coincide with the sad times that Angye Gaona suffers from right now.
In this sense, we take this support of intellectuals, artists and poets of Turkey as also a step of awareness which is to be formed against censors, prohibitions and inquisitions in our own country. In conclusion, Gaona is free as a poet and a Surrealist and the charges against her would only imprison her physical being. There is no such “raison” in human history which can accomplish locking up one’s liberated conscience, thoughts, dreams and imagery. Not the prohibitors or censor examiners, but history remembered and will remember only the ones against them.
Surrealist Action Turkey
February 2012, Istanbul
Translated from Turkish into English by Hande Koçak
The last crime entered in to this inventory is the unjust accusation and defemation that Angye Gaona, Colombian Surrealist Poet, Artist and Activist has been subjected to. The crime that Gaona has actually committed is to produce with 150 year old ethics of the avant-garde. What does this crime refer to?
In her articles and interviews, Gaona has defended the rights of natives who has been killed by paramilitary gangs with the order of landowners, the rights of syndicators and the labor movement under the consistent pressure of industrialists supported by the government. Additionally, she named the current government of Colombia as “terrorist”.
As a result of this, she has been charged with “rebellion” by the government. The first case filed in 2011 against has been dismissed thanks to international pressure. Colombia’s “low density war” government who could not condemn Gaona as a criminal of thought, chose the way of a dirty provocation and it added “drug trafficking” accusation into the second case file in addition to “rebellion”.
With this false accusation, Colombian government not only incriminated Gaona’s reputation, but also prevented her leaving country as a political refugee. The case whose first hearing in 23 January 2012 took place in Cartagena de Indias, was with request for 20 years of imprisonment and she has been taken under home arrestment in a small “favela” with her daugther during the whole law suit process. The first result of this in practical terms was the prevention of her attendance to International Surrealist Exhibition took place in Pennsylvania in January 2012.
Now, we, the fellow poets, artists and activists from different countries, would like this false accusations against Angye Gaona to be dismissed. The government which is annoyed by the association of Gaona’s art and thoughts with the struggle for freedom of these thoughts in daily life, it presents a “reality terror” by re-creation of a lie as a “realm”, by producing/consuming/re-producing it through its attached media/public opinion.
Beyond any doubt, as intellectuals and artists of countries such ours, we have acquaintance with this sort of “fake reality” attacks created by the daily show joined with the power and the capital. In fact, this mis-en-scène taking place in Colombia right now, is not very far from the definition of “terror” recently made by Turkish government spokesman. The transformation into the offical politics of this approach which is put forward with the postulate of that the crime is committed by the painter with canvas and poet with line, with no doubt will coincide with the sad times that Angye Gaona suffers from right now.
In this sense, we take this support of intellectuals, artists and poets of Turkey as also a step of awareness which is to be formed against censors, prohibitions and inquisitions in our own country. In conclusion, Gaona is free as a poet and a Surrealist and the charges against her would only imprison her physical being. There is no such “raison” in human history which can accomplish locking up one’s liberated conscience, thoughts, dreams and imagery. Not the prohibitors or censor examiners, but history remembered and will remember only the ones against them.
Surrealist Action Turkey
February 2012, Istanbul
Translated from Turkish into English by Hande Koçak
ANGYE GAONA’nın Özgürlüğü Engellenemez
Uluslararası Sürrealist Harekete bağlı Kolombiyalı şair/sanatçı Angye Gaona'ya açılan dava ile ilgili bir S.E.T bildirisi kaleme aldık. Bu açıklama son bir kaç aydır açılan uluslararası dayanışma kampanyası ile eşgüdüm içersinde.
Bu açıklamanın dolaşıma girmesi ardından metni yazarlar, sanatçılar ve aydınları kapsayan bir imza kampanyası dönüştürüp, toplanan imzaların uluslararası kamuoyuna duyurulmasını ve Kolombiya hükümetine baskı yapmak için göndereceğiz. düşünüyoruz. Devamında Angye'nin durumuna dair duyarlılık yaratacak farklı etkinlikler gündemimizde var.
Şu an için sanatçı arkadaşlardandileğin metni paylaşması ve bize "ad-soyad" ve kendini ifade eden bir tanımla(sanatçı, ressam, şair, akademisyen) birlikte adresine bildirmesidir.
çağrı metni için:
Bu açıklamanın dolaşıma girmesi ardından metni yazarlar, sanatçılar ve aydınları kapsayan bir imza kampanyası dönüştürüp, toplanan imzaların uluslararası kamuoyuna duyurulmasını ve Kolombiya hükümetine baskı yapmak için göndereceğiz. düşünüyoruz. Devamında Angye'nin durumuna dair duyarlılık yaratacak farklı etkinlikler gündemimizde var.
Şu an için sanatçı arkadaşlardandileğin metni paylaşması ve bize "ad-soyad" ve kendini ifade eden bir tanımla(sanatçı, ressam, şair, akademisyen) birlikte adresine bildirmesidir.
çağrı metni için:
2 Şubat 2012 Perşembe
Dorothea Tanning(1910-2012)
Pincushion to Serve as Fetish/1965
Nue couchee/1970
Tragic Table/1973
Revelation at the End of the Month/1973
Son büyük büyücüyü 101 yaşında sonsuza uğurladık. Tanning'i düş objeleri eşliğinde anıyoruz; ruhunun ışıltısına göz kırpan birer vodoo nesneleri olarak.
Nue couchee/1970
Tragic Table/1973
Revelation at the End of the Month/1973
Son büyük büyücüyü 101 yaşında sonsuza uğurladık. Tanning'i düş objeleri eşliğinde anıyoruz; ruhunun ışıltısına göz kırpan birer vodoo nesneleri olarak.
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